Sunday, November 15, 2009

‘Kidshapered’ (UK Style) and some old friends doing new things.

We had a great time in Chelmsford visiting our friends and seeing Colchester again (the oldest town in England…apparently). After Colchester, Han left us to go to London to stay with her friends.

We went on to Birmingham to catch up with our other UK based Aussie friend Kirk and Tracee McAtear. They are pasturing a church and are doing amazing things. They are settling in really well and the people in the church seem to be really embracing them. They are going to do amazing things with and through that church.

We also attended Kidshaper UK conference. It was the 2nd one held here in the UK and it is already building momentum and establishing a great network of committed, called and anointed kids pastors and leaders. The guys from Australia preached up a storm and the UK based guys shared some amazing wisdom and revelation. God is about to bring revival to this country and kids will be at the forefront of His plan.

We are going to Kings Church today (the church Kirk and Tracee are pastoring) then having lunch with their kids team. It is going to be great to hang with them and ask them some questions.

We go to Oxford tonight and then on to London for the last few days of our trip. We will meet up with Han in London and show her the sights (as well as do some more shopping I presume).

Please send us some emails – we would love to hear about what is happening back home!

Got to go and get ready for church!

Bless ya!

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